Delivering Effective Performance Appraisals

This course provides an overview of the basics of conducting performance appraisals. Your organization’s leaders will be educated on the guidelines and best practices for evaluating and improving the work performance of employees, thereby increasing quality and productivity. This course will help make appraising performance a valuable process that helps to achieve the organization’s goals and improve understanding for employees of why certain appraisals are given.

Who Should Attend This Course:

  • Any business professional responsible for writing or conducting performance appraisals

What This Course Covers:

Participants will learn to:

  • Establish performance expectations so that the desired work results are achieved in accordance with the organization’s values and quality standards
  • Write a performance appraisal so that it reflects an objective evaluation of the individual’s work performance
  • Prepare for a performance appraisal discussion so that there are no barriers for an effective dialogue
  • Conduct a performance appraisal so that mutual understanding and cooperation is achieved and a realistic development plan to improve future performance is prepared
  • Follow up on a performance appraisal so that future performance meets expectations

This training course is also available in a one-on-one coaching format, and can be presented by a trainer should your team require course content be delivered in English.


All classes are available to be scheduled as private sessions for your firm. Course content and duration may be customized depending on client needs.